Tag Archives: Travel - Page 2

Boot camp, BMW and the Baltic Sea

Thanks to Marc, I had a very nice and beautiful BMW 118d for the day. As it turned out, the weather seemed to be unexpectedly pleasant so I decided to do a roadtrip to Kellenhusen, the place where I spent so many summers and even some winters during my childhood.

I’m going to the wild beach, or more precisely what used to be the wild beach. It has been “tamed” a few years ago so there’s no more wildly growing bushes and therefore it’s clearly visible from the bikeway now. The promenade is more modern nowadays, taking elegant curves now and then and the old pier has grown longer and longer and looks very futuristic…

Lots of things have changed and it has become a really nice and beautiful city lately. So many things are different from how they used to be, so many things are still the same. Makes me think about what has changed in my life and also about what hasn’t. Memories, so many memories… Passing by so many places with which I associate so many events. Having sand between my toes, hearing the constant murmur of the waves, feeling like the child I was once again…

I’ve got only one thing to say and that is “Ostsee I love you and I always will!”

Barcelona day 1

Whew! I landed in the afternoon and thanks to the detailed description of my sister, I could easily find her workplace. At the airport, I found nice oddities like a long tunnel that’s above ground and that features two typical airport-style conveyors – just without the conveyors… Everything’s there: the handrail, the two seperate gangways with converyor handrails, the special road in between them which the cool airport dudes with the electric cars might take now and then but just no conveyor itself! The trains in Barcelona are quite nice and as far as I’ve experienced so far almost always on time. Due to the fact that Barcelona is a big city when it comes to population but not to covering a large area, you always get from A to B in less than 30 minutes. Oh, and the penalty for smoking inside the train is somehow odd… What the heck are those 5 cents for?

Handrail that suggests the presence of a conveyor where there is none IMGP2312

After I met Ela and got the keys to her appartment, I buzzed off to find said appartment – and thanks to Streetview I did 🙂 There, I finally could take a rest from the trip, take a shower and relax a little. Meanwhile, I also managed to contact Flo and arranged to meet him and Beatriz in the evening. I could take a look at his ridiculously huge appartment before we went downtown to get some tapas – mmmhhh, tapas! 😀

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After stuffed our stomachs with delicious tapas of all kinds, Beatriz, Flo and me walked through the sometimes shiny, sometimes shabby but nevertheless cool downtown until we arrived at our destination behind the amazing Sagrada familia: The Michael Collins irish pub 🙂 Ela was already waiting for us inside (it took us longer than expected to walk ehehee…). We had a few drinks and lots of fun. The guy playing live music was shitty at first but gradually got better and better so in the end at roughly 2:30, we all lurched home after a very funny night out.

Sagrada familia 1 Sagrada familia 2 Flo and me posing in front of the Sagrada familia
At the irish pub Dr. Flo Evil - but MiniMe has grown ... and has a beard, too! Siblings, indeed!

Oh and by the way: They have Aquarius here! Yaaay!

And off I go!

Thesis is gone, my only duty is to wait for the final grades… So why the heck don’t I just travel around a bit? Well, actually I do! 😀

  1. Barcelona: 09/03 – 09/06
  2. Hamburg: 09/06 – 09/08
  3. Chemnitz: 09/08 – 09/09
  4. Wunsiedel: 09/09 – 09/10
  5. Würzburg: 09/10 – 09/12 or so

Saying good-bye to Japan… Again

Whew… It’s been an absolutely terrific week for me being back in Japan again and I’m really sorry for having to say good-bye to Tokyo once again. Time always just blurrs and passes by so fast when you’re happy, right? And again: Tank you to all the people I know here and whom I’ve been able to see during this week! To all of you whom I couldn’t meet: See you next time, eh? 🙂

Will look into coming back soon, so just keep an eye out for me 😉

MUC – HAM – MUC Grindel season ending session + chill boot camp

Monday morning, err, around noon: I’m riding the hilarious S8 of Munich’s public transportation system. After having spent a great weekend in Hamburg visiting family and friends, partyin’ and chillin’ since Friday, I feel a little tired but also happy big time! 😀

Now I’m ready 4 X-mas & after that TOKYO!! Wish you all a merry Christmas and especially a great start in 2009 (although I’ll be celebrating a few hours earlier than most of my readers, I assume ^^).

Going back to Tokyo

HEY! After having had (and still having, by the way) a quite unpleasant time lately, I spontaneously decided to take a time-out at the end of this year and spend a week abroad. Yeah, right… You guessed correctly: I’m going to visit Tokyo again! HELL YEAH! 🙂

Just like a good friend pointed out: “THIS IS GONNA BE F*CKING LEGENDARY!!!” 😀

Arrival: Dec. 28th, 15:55 (LH9790)
Departure: Jan. 4th, 13:15 (LH 715)

I would like to meet as many of you lovely Tokyo-people as possible during my stay, so just drop me a few lines asap 🙂

Back in Good ol’ Germany

Well, the title says it all. I’m back. My over six months stay in Japan finally has ended and I’m actually writing this post from my parent’s place. So weird: I woke up in Tokyo, had a nice Starbuck’s breakfast and a nice train ride to the Narita airport and now? Now I’m here already and will sleep in my old kodomobeya tonight…

And here’s to all the people I know in Japan again: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can’t even say how grateful I am for the past six months. Please don’t forget me for I’ll never forget this wonderful time! Anybody, please keep in touch!

My arrival back in Germany at my parent's place

Erstes Lebenszeichen

So. Jetzt bin ich da. Knapp 11 Stunden Flug, eine “kleine” Zugfahrt mit meinem sehr netten Mitbewohner, der mich glücklicherweise vom Flughafen abgeholt hat, einmal Udon essen in einer total klischeemässigen und coolen Bar und schon bin ich in meiner Wohnung angekommen.
Es ist fast schon erschreckend, wie riesig mein Zimmer ist: Schätzungsweise 24 Quadratmeter! Hey, das ist größer als mein Zimmer in München! Nur einen Haken hat die Sache: Möbel sind leider nicht wirklich vorhanden… Außer einem Futonbett, einem “Stuhl” und einem “Tisch” ist das Zimmer leer. Okay, ein Kühlschrank und ein Fernseher stehen noch drin und ich hab einen sehr geräumigen Wandschrank, einen kleinen Schrank uuuund eine Kleiderstange. Zusätzlich habe ich sogar meinen kleinen privat-Balkon und der Clou an unserer Wohnung hier ist, dass wir das Dach mit benutzen dürfen: Grillpartys, in der Sonne liegen usw. steht also in der bevorstehenden warmen Jahreszeit nix im Wege ^^ 
Fotos gibt’s jetzt aber noch keine, weil ich meine Kamera erstmal ausgraben muss bzw. den Wandschrank mal auswische, meinen Koffer ausleere und überhaupt und außerdem. Stay tuned! 

PS:  Die Zeit des Blogs bleibt weiterhin auf Deutsch, also nicht wundern, wenn ich scheinbar zu seltsamen Zeiten schreibe =)