Tag Archives: Tokyo

A thing that i DO miss, actually

As mentioned in an older post (back from the time when I was in Japan and still writing in German), the weather in Japan is really humid and hot during the summer. Back then, I was complaining a little bit about it. However, at the end of my stay there I realized I actually started liking this kind of weather. And when I think about how the summer here in Germany was so far this year… yeah, I have to admit that more sunshine, higher temperatures and all that stuff would be nice 🙂

Marcus in Tokyo – that bastard :)

Just a trackback to Marcus’ new blog where he’s reporting about the life I wish I had: Living la vida loca in Tokyo 🙂


Found myself … in Nakai?!

Today, I toyed around with Google Maps and especially their Street View feature. It’s not available in Germany yet but will be soon, I guess. It is, however, already implemented in many other countries including Japan. Out of nostalgic feelings, I virtually followed the path from my appartment to the train station which I took so many times during my stay there. And guess what I found? Yeah: myself! 8)



On the second one, my legs are missing because Google is interpolating between multiple images 😉 Anyways, this is crazy and awesome, huh?

Jobs, anyone? (Especially in or around Tokyo)

🙂 The title says it all! I’ll be finished with my studies this summer and start looking for a job in the Tokyo area starting around October this year. Anyone got an idea? 🙂

Isogashii / Busy

Well, well… It’s been quite a long time since my last entry here. Sorry ’bout that. I’ve just been so freakin’ busy ever since my return from Japan. Final exams for this semester are closing in and I should have been studying instead of going to Tokyo but in my opinion, Tokyo was the way smarter choice 😉

First of all, I want to present some pictures of my second trip to Japan, however, I did not take so many due to my own stupidity… As you might have read, I’ve lost my small pocket camera, so I packed the bigger one into my luggage. Alright. Got everything with me: the cam, lens protector, SDHC card, batteryd’oh! forgot the battery! So the only option for me to get at least a few pix was to buy a new battery at my favourite electronics store, Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku…

Tokyo winter 2008/09

I was given the chance to enjoy the nice Tokyo winter, the great food and a lot of fun with many friends. It was a great week and I want to thank everyone who could find some time to see me! Hope to see you again soon 😉 Oh and Ayumi, he LOVES the shoes 😀

So what did I do after coming back? Hmm not so many things, actually. Since my final exams for this semester are starting in one week already, I’m basically doing nothing but studying at the moment. Well, at least two pleasant things happened to me: My mom found my beloved Pentax camera and I finally got my new computer *yaaay* but I don’t really have the time to play with my new / old toys at the moment so this will have to wait until February 😉

Going back to Tokyo

HEY! After having had (and still having, by the way) a quite unpleasant time lately, I spontaneously decided to take a time-out at the end of this year and spend a week abroad. Yeah, right… You guessed correctly: I’m going to visit Tokyo again! HELL YEAH! 🙂

Just like a good friend pointed out: “THIS IS GONNA BE F*CKING LEGENDARY!!!” 😀

Arrival: Dec. 28th, 15:55 (LH9790)
Departure: Jan. 4th, 13:15 (LH 715)

I would like to meet as many of you lovely Tokyo-people as possible during my stay, so just drop me a few lines asap 🙂

Before saying goodbye…

… I finally managed – after more than six months – to get to Tokyo Tower! Of course I had my camera with me 🙂

Click me, I’m a link to the Picasa album!

Asakusa with Yumi

On Thursday, I – finally – went to Asakusa together with Yumi, an unbelievably lovely colleague (now ex-colleague, come to think of it) from Siemens. Finally because Asakusa is maybe the No. 1 tourist spot in Tokyo. Yes. It took me almost half a year to finally go there, right. Did I mention that I don’t really like tourist spots? 😀 Anyways, it was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun. Some pictures can be found on Picasa.

Rush hour my love

Erinnert Ihr Euch noch an das Bild, dass ich recht früh von der – vermeintlich – überfüllten Yamanote Line geschossen habe? Pffts! Das ist ja lächerlich! Damals dachte ich, dass das schon sehr sehr voll ist. Inzwischen betrachte ich das Bild und denke mir “och, da is ja massig Platz”!

Habe heute mal wieder meine Gaijin Power benutzt und in der relativ gut gefüllten (war gar nicht so schlimm, have seen worse) Yamanote Line mein neuestes Spielzeug ausprobiert. Leider ist es ein Bisschen verwackelt, aber was soll’s 😉

Auf Sauftour durch Shibuya mit Goethe…

… oder doch nur mit Marcus und Louis – außerdem haben nur die gesoffen und ich net 😉

Eigentlich wollte ich heute ja zum Hanabi irgendwo im Nordosten von Tokyo am Edo-Fluss fahren und hatte darum die volle Ausrüstung dabei: Kamera, ausnahmsweise mal voll geladener Akku, leere Speicherkarte, Stativ. Tatsächlich war ich aber dann ob des typischen Tokyo-Wetters – kühl, trocken und angenehm – doch nicht so ganz in der Laune dafür und außerdem wurde ich von Marcus genötigt, doch mit ihm und Louis noch in Shibuya zu essen/trinken… So sind dann ein paar dämliche Bilder entstanden und ich habe die Tatsache, dass ein Stativ dabei war, ausgenutzt 😉