Tag Archives: Party

Final post from Croatia (kind of)

’nuff said! It was legendary! Thanks Stephan and Vera for the GREAT GREAT GREAT time I had!!!!

Halloween night 2009 @ Rockstudio

Yesterday, I went to the Halloween night 2009 at the Rockstudio / M-Park all-area party with a few fellow students and it was a blast! 😎 Let’s do that again soon, folks!

LTR: Me, Andi, Flo, Dani

After the tour

Well well well… Since I don’t have access to my iPhoto installation at the moment (but help is on the way…) I was not importing the pictures I took during the past few weeks. Therefore, I also did not publish anything here πŸ™‚

Me, the climbing instrument

Alright, here we go: First of all, I want to complain that all my young cousins always misconceive me for a climbing instrument… But hey, it’s for the family, so I just shut up and stop whining πŸ™‚ Just having arrived back in Munich after my tour, I had a nice chicken-wings-dinner at Marcus’ appartment with Finn, Gunnar and Marcus’ successor, Paula. It’s good to see them once in a while πŸ˜€ Hmm, talking about food: My mom presented me the traditional Mohrenkopftorte for my birthday and Selai made a very delicious strawberry cake (but without strawberries πŸ˜‰ ) for my birthday party at the Sausalitos bar. Hmmmm *yummy* But we also had delicious ribs, tons of cocktails and loads of fun! Thanks everyone for coming!!

Chicken wings at Finn's and Gunnar's Family tradition: My birthday cake made from chocolate-coated marshmallow treats Selai's birthday cake she brought to my party at the Sausalitos
But we also had delicious ribs :) I won the candle-pic-contest!

After all that excitement, I was eager to return to Bad Aibling for a few days of peace πŸ˜‰ Together with Chrisi and Tia, I spent a fun evening at the annual medieval-festival in Maxlrain (which is always conveniently taking place just a kilometer away from home), watched the fire acrobats and all the other stuff, had tons of good food etc etc. I also found myself in the newspaper! The newspaper’s photographer took a picture at the start of the BΓ€derlauf and I’m in the very center of the picture πŸ˜€

On Tuesday, we also had a chance to meet Flo during his short-trip to Germany when he was organizing a small jam session with family and friends! It was nice to see him again – we only met once in Barcelona πŸ˜‰ Returning to Munich, Andrea, Chiara and me stopped in GΓΆtting where we met Pronita and her mom from India who had just arrived in Germany. Of course, we had lots of food there, too… (damn, I really should pay attention not to get fat!)

Fire performance at the medieval festival in Maxlrain Heey, I'm in the newspaper!! Pronita's mom, Chiara and me

Back in Munich, I spend some days doing sports (finally…), sorting my mail etc. Aaaand I finally managed to go to the Wiesn! It was planned to be a gathering of colleagues from my studies but in the end, I was the only one there… Grmbl! Anyways, as I dragged some friends along, it was a nice afternoon / evening – and we were very lucky to find a good spot to sit and eat at in the HofbΓ€uzelt.

Finn looks sooo cute, doesn't he? Wiesnbrezn and a Hendl
Crowded subway station The security's vests

Barcelona day 3 – still without enough sleep

Having had two nights with just a little sleep, I woke up with the firm conviction not to go out so long again in my head. So Ela, Xavier and me started the day with a good long breakfast after which we went to the town center and did the tourist thing. Of course this included a visit to the hilarious Kukuxumus shop and eating great food.

Happy pills? A common thing to see in Barcelona Near the city center
The cathedral - of course with a construction crane and white doves Tourists all over the place!

After lunch – which was a blast because it was so good by the way – , we took a long walk down the beach where I also finally could jump into the sea πŸ™‚ The beach is quite clean and the weather was just perfect with lots of sunshine and blue skies. Oh and I love that comic-style keep the beach clean campaign!

Beachclimbing? Very cool "Kepp the beach clean" campaign

Well, well. So far, so good. The plan I mentioned in the beginning seemed to work. In the evening, we went to a Japanese restaurant / sushi bar where we had very delicious food at a decent price compared to some restaurants in Munich where the quality’s usually lower… Before going home, I once again had the absolutely awesome cinnamon and dark choccolate ice cream mix – mmh that’s so delicious πŸ˜€

Just as we arrived at Ela’s place, I received a call from Beatriz who was getting the party started with some friends – well, of course I tagged along and so it happened that I was out all night including a short trip to the Tibidabo mountain from where one can see Barcelona at night. Okay, we haven’t been at the peak but rather at a very cheesy bar/club thing that I’d usually never entered if not for the great view from the terrace 😎

Nightly view from the Tibidabo On the last morning after those three long and funny nights in Barcelona

Barcelona day 1

Whew! I landed in the afternoon and thanks to the detailed description of my sister, I could easily find her workplace. At the airport, I found nice oddities like a long tunnel that’s above ground and that features two typical airport-style conveyors – just without the conveyors… Everything’s there: the handrail, the two seperate gangways with converyor handrails, the special road in between them which the cool airport dudes with the electric cars might take now and then but just no conveyor itself! The trains in Barcelona are quite nice and as far as I’ve experienced so far almost always on time. Due to the fact that Barcelona is a big city when it comes to population but not to covering a large area, you always get from A to B in less than 30 minutes. Oh, and the penalty for smoking inside the train is somehow odd… What the heck are those 5 cents for?

Handrail that suggests the presence of a conveyor where there is none IMGP2312

After I met Ela and got the keys to her appartment, I buzzed off to find said appartment – and thanks to Streetview I did πŸ™‚ There, I finally could take a rest from the trip, take a shower and relax a little. Meanwhile, I also managed to contact Flo and arranged to meet him and Beatriz in the evening. I could take a look at his ridiculously huge appartment before we went downtown to get some tapas – mmmhhh, tapas! πŸ˜€

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After stuffed our stomachs with delicious tapas of all kinds, Beatriz, Flo and me walked through the sometimes shiny, sometimes shabby but nevertheless cool downtown until we arrived at our destination behind the amazing Sagrada familia: The Michael Collins irish pub πŸ™‚ Ela was already waiting for us inside (it took us longer than expected to walk ehehee…). We had a few drinks and lots of fun. The guy playing live music was shitty at first but gradually got better and better so in the end at roughly 2:30, we all lurched home after a very funny night out.

Sagrada familia 1 Sagrada familia 2 Flo and me posing in front of the Sagrada familia
At the irish pub Dr. Flo Evil - but MiniMe has grown ... and has a beard, too! Siblings, indeed!

Oh and by the way: They have Aquarius here! Yaaay!

Koseki-san, Robot BBQ, Sax, final exams, summer festival, beach clubbing, NRJ in the park…

… well, it’s been a busy time for me πŸ™‚

Last weekend, I finally managed to meet up with Koseki-san who was staying here in Munich for a business trip. It was good to see him again and also to hear that his little daughter is doing fine! Life in Japan seems to be going on quite well πŸ˜‰

Koseki-san in Munich

The semester’s almost over so my colleagues and me have already taken all exams. Right then, everyone was only waiting for the grades to be published and there was plenty of time for barbecue, party etc. Especially at the university’s summer festival we computer engineers openly demonstrated being the biggest nerds at the campus: The grades were about to come out and of course the server broke down in the very moment everyone wanted to see theirs. We literally had three laptops and an iPhone hammering the server with requests like “Gimme my grades, hell yeah!” – on just one Biertischgarnitur πŸ˜€

At the BBQ of the robotics team IMGP2165 After-BBQ-Drinks at the Sax
Computer engineers... IMGP2185 No more exams!

Knowing my grades now, being fully satisfied with the certitude that I’ll never have to write exams again in my life (most likely, I hope), and knowing that all that stands between me and my diploma is the thesis I gotta write about the Ruby on Rails application I developed during the past few months, I happily returned to my parent’s place, where I was taken hostage by my friends and dragged to a beach clubbing event and the NRJ in the park festival πŸ˜€ Oh, and did I mention that the weather’s been awesome lately? Well, it surely was! 😎

After diving into the foam at the BeachClubbing Foodstock at the festival Homemade sandwiches - thanks, mom!
Cheers! I wanna be a hippie :) Being bored to death from Mando Diao

The beach clubbing thing was okay. Well, for a small, off-the-beaten-track city like Bad Aibling it surely was one of this year’s major events. However, I was annoyed most of the time – maybe this is because I don’t drink πŸ˜‰ Eventually, the electronic floor was fun for a while but then the DJ had the biggest, most epic FAIL in history: No music for roughly ten minutes (or at least it felt so), blank-faced morons fuzzing around with the mixers and the players, the MC desperately trying to keep the crowd’s mood up… And when they finally managed to start music again, it was just shitty *sigh* The day after that, some friends and I went to the NRJ in the park festival. The lineup was Jennifer Rostock, Jan Delay, Mando Diao and Franz Ferdinand. Being a person who almost never listens to radio and who doesn’t give a crap about the latest charts, I’ve never heard anything of Jennifer Rostock. The names Mando Diao and Franz Ferdinand were familiar, of course, but I barely ever heard something from them – apart from “Dance With Somebody”. Well well, Jennifer was … errm … okay. Definitely not my favourite style of “music” πŸ˜‰ Mando Diao totally sucked and Franz Ferdinand was pretty cool. Ah, did I mention that their guitarist went to the same school as I did? Anyways, Jan Delay and his band really made the crowd jumping and it was definitely the best performance of that festival 😎

… and now, I’ll have to cancel every other party activities and write my damn thesis πŸ˜€

Fichtnparty aftermath and paintball

Yep that’s right. It was about time for a new episode in the long series of birthday parties in the peacful village of Dettendorf. This year’s motto was noblesse oblige and Andrea and me just had to answer that call πŸ˜‰ Big hands to Flo for inviting us and for arranging one hell of a party πŸ™‚

Flo and me showing our awesome hats! Yes, I suited up :)

The next day I’ve basically just been totally lazy. Except for one thing in the evening: After several years, I finally managed to play some rounds of paintball again! Like Barney’d say, it was legendary! πŸ˜€

Music Park in Erding

Last Saturday, a bunch of friends dragged me to the Music Park in Erding. To be honest, I was afraid that it’s going to be like that generic countryside-allrounder-discotheque which tends to be quite shitty at most times. Upon our arrival, I found out that it’s actually a relatively new, clean and well-organized club/disco! So eventually, we ended up dancing all night long until the break of dawn πŸ˜‰ It was really great fun, dudes – we’ll have to repeat that!! πŸ˜€ Pix can be found here.

Ah and just by the way; the last post “And if you think I’m going crazy” was the 42nd one in this blog πŸ˜‰

More “normal life” before university starts again

Weee, I’ve been so lazy lately. Sorry ’bout that! Will be more up-to-date, promised πŸ™‚

So what’s been up these days? Not too much actually. Well, I became even older on the 23rd… To celebrate this, Andrea & Patrick invited me to a very good (but expensive) Japanese restaurant. That was soooo good!

The day after that, I saw Ela & Flo off at the Munich Airport. They returned to Barcelona safely and I still hope that they’re finally able to access the Internet and add content in their blog πŸ™‚

Ah yes! Ayumi-chan has been here in Munich to visit Marcus and (of course) see some nice spots of the city. I met them and had some drinks with them – to prepare for the Oktoberfest-weekend ^^

Oktoberfest… Oh! My! God! They dragged me into the Augustiner tent where we spent almost the whole day (approx 9 hours). But even though I did not drink any alcohol, it was great fun. Many people who’ve been to Japan have been there, too so I was able to share a lot of my “wanna go back!” feeling with them πŸ˜€

And now? Now, university has started again… So in the end, my life finally returns to being really normal. And boring. And without the great food I enjoyed so much in Tokyo. πŸ™ But Schweinebraten is fine, too! πŸ˜€

Musik, Muscheln, Matsuri: Kujukuri

Samstag Nachmittag bin ich zusammen mit Akira nach Kujukuri aufgebrochen, wo wir dann zwei seiner Freunde getroffen haben, die uns netterweise schon in Chiba abgeholt haben. (So konnten wir uns vor dem teuren Zugticket druecken)

Kujukuri ist ein sehr schnuckeliges 20.000 Seelen “Dorf” (im Vergleich zu Tokyo), in dem es sehr gechillt und gemaechlich vonstatten geht. Der Name laesst sich wortwoertlich mit “99 Meilen” uebersetzen – kujuku heisst 99 und ri ist ein altes Japanisches Laengenmass etwar vergleichbar zu einer Meile. Und warum das Ganze? Ganz einfach, es liegt relativ zentral an einem 99 “ri” langen Strand in West-Chiba (Pazifik) etwas noerdlich von Onjuku. Der Sand war unglaublich fein, das Wetter war ein Traum, das Wasser war klar, die Wellen waren super hoch und lustig, das Essen war einfach nur herrlich und das ganze Wochenende war erfuellt mit Punkrock, Muscheln, Barbeque, Matsuri, Sonne, Hanabi, am Strand Flaezen usw.

Wie immer habe ich jetzt von meinem Arbeits-PC keine Lust (und Zeit), die Bilder hier direkt einzupflegen, darum gibt es einfach einen Link auf das Picasa Album!