Tag Archives: Family - Page 2

London – A first summary

Hey! I’ve been here for a few days already and still no post? Sorry ’bout that, but I’ve just been busy coding with Booka! πŸ˜‰ And even though this post and the one mentioning my flight here are called something with “London” I am not in London, actually… The house we’re living in is in a relatively small village near Sutton and it’s a blast! Huge rooms, too many bathrooms, extremely quiet etc. so we really can focus on the programming we’re supposed to do here.

Today finally, we had some free time and Booka, Wolle and me could stroll around in London, take some pictures and have a good time, of course :mrgreen: We rode the train to Victoria station (yeah, that’s the one that’s to be seen in almost every Harry Potter movie as “King’s Cross” because Mrs. Rowling mistook it for the latter, by the way) and took a walk from there. We passed by Buckingham Palace where by coincidence some ceremony was going on and we were forced to wait until it’s over πŸ˜‰ After that, we crossed Green Park and finally arrived at Picadilly Circus. Haaah, finally. I’ve been here before and even though it’s like one of the no. 1 tourist-spots in the city, it’s actually quite lame and cool at the same time πŸ˜€ It feels like a tiny version of the Shibuya crossing, doesn’t it? Anyways, we had lunch and continued our trip in the direction to Trafalgar square and Chinatown and finally headed down to the Thames where we “met” Downing Street, Big Ben and The Eye.

After that we entered The Tube at Waterloo station and went to Tottenham Court Road where we took a long walk down Oxford Street, had some Starbuck’s coffee (which sucked, by the way) and went back to Leicester Square to have dinner. Eventually, Miri joined us and after having drinks at a nice bar, we finally cruised back home. And London traffic is hell – seriously. 9:30 p.m. and all roads are still packed with cars? Seriously folks, where do you all wanna go? Why don’t you ride your beloved Tube? :mrgreen:

Update: I just had to step up to that DDR machine… Just like the good ol’ times with my English class from school when we were in London back then! πŸ˜€

Here I go again…

… and the general direction is: north! Hamburg’s calling for a short visit to my family I have there, for a job interview and hopefully for having a good time in general :mrgreen:

After the tour

Well well well… Since I don’t have access to my iPhoto installation at the moment (but help is on the way…) I was not importing the pictures I took during the past few weeks. Therefore, I also did not publish anything here πŸ™‚

Me, the climbing instrument

Alright, here we go: First of all, I want to complain that all my young cousins always misconceive me for a climbing instrument… But hey, it’s for the family, so I just shut up and stop whining πŸ™‚ Just having arrived back in Munich after my tour, I had a nice chicken-wings-dinner at Marcus’ appartment with Finn, Gunnar and Marcus’ successor, Paula. It’s good to see them once in a while πŸ˜€ Hmm, talking about food: My mom presented me the traditional Mohrenkopftorte for my birthday and Selai made a very delicious strawberry cake (but without strawberries πŸ˜‰ ) for my birthday party at the Sausalitos bar. Hmmmm *yummy* But we also had delicious ribs, tons of cocktails and loads of fun! Thanks everyone for coming!!

Chicken wings at Finn's and Gunnar's Family tradition: My birthday cake made from chocolate-coated marshmallow treats Selai's birthday cake she brought to my party at the Sausalitos
But we also had delicious ribs :) I won the candle-pic-contest!

After all that excitement, I was eager to return to Bad Aibling for a few days of peace πŸ˜‰ Together with Chrisi and Tia, I spent a fun evening at the annual medieval-festival in Maxlrain (which is always conveniently taking place just a kilometer away from home), watched the fire acrobats and all the other stuff, had tons of good food etc etc. I also found myself in the newspaper! The newspaper’s photographer took a picture at the start of the BΓ€derlauf and I’m in the very center of the picture πŸ˜€

On Tuesday, we also had a chance to meet Flo during his short-trip to Germany when he was organizing a small jam session with family and friends! It was nice to see him again – we only met once in Barcelona πŸ˜‰ Returning to Munich, Andrea, Chiara and me stopped in GΓΆtting where we met Pronita and her mom from India who had just arrived in Germany. Of course, we had lots of food there, too… (damn, I really should pay attention not to get fat!)

Fire performance at the medieval festival in Maxlrain Heey, I'm in the newspaper!! Pronita's mom, Chiara and me

Back in Munich, I spend some days doing sports (finally…), sorting my mail etc. Aaaand I finally managed to go to the Wiesn! It was planned to be a gathering of colleagues from my studies but in the end, I was the only one there… Grmbl! Anyways, as I dragged some friends along, it was a nice afternoon / evening – and we were very lucky to find a good spot to sit and eat at in the HofbΓ€uzelt.

Finn looks sooo cute, doesn't he? Wiesnbrezn and a Hendl
Crowded subway station The security's vests

Half-Marathon: BΓ€derlauf

Today, my mom and me participated in a half-marathon from Bad Aibling to Bad Feilnbach. I’m not fully pleased with my time of 2:19:49 (and with the fact that my mom was 8 minutes faster πŸ˜€ ) but I’m really happy that I did it πŸ™‚

The track lead us through the mindboggingly beutiful landscape and the weather was really nice – maybe a little bit too warm at the beginning. It’s also featured in GoogleMaps. If I’m still in Germany next year, I’ll participate again, promise πŸ˜€

Happy Birthday Baby!

Exactly one year ago, my niece Chiara was born. And as proud uncle I want to be the first to say “happy birthday” πŸ˜€

Boot camp, BMW and the Baltic Sea

Thanks to Marc, I had a very nice and beautiful BMW 118d for the day. As it turned out, the weather seemed to be unexpectedly pleasant so I decided to do a roadtrip to Kellenhusen, the place where I spent so many summers and even some winters during my childhood.

I’m going to the wild beach, or more precisely what used to be the wild beach. It has been “tamed” a few years ago so there’s no more wildly growing bushes and therefore it’s clearly visible from the bikeway now. The promenade is more modern nowadays, taking elegant curves now and then and the old pier has grown longer and longer and looks very futuristic…

Lots of things have changed and it has become a really nice and beautiful city lately. So many things are different from how they used to be, so many things are still the same. Makes me think about what has changed in my life and also about what hasn’t. Memories, so many memories… Passing by so many places with which I associate so many events. Having sand between my toes, hearing the constant murmur of the waves, feeling like the child I was once again…

I’ve got only one thing to say and that is “Ostsee I love you and I always will!”

Barcelona day 1

Whew! I landed in the afternoon and thanks to the detailed description of my sister, I could easily find her workplace. At the airport, I found nice oddities like a long tunnel that’s above ground and that features two typical airport-style conveyors – just without the conveyors… Everything’s there: the handrail, the two seperate gangways with converyor handrails, the special road in between them which the cool airport dudes with the electric cars might take now and then but just no conveyor itself! The trains in Barcelona are quite nice and as far as I’ve experienced so far almost always on time. Due to the fact that Barcelona is a big city when it comes to population but not to covering a large area, you always get from A to B in less than 30 minutes. Oh, and the penalty for smoking inside the train is somehow odd… What the heck are those 5 cents for?

Handrail that suggests the presence of a conveyor where there is none IMGP2312

After I met Ela and got the keys to her appartment, I buzzed off to find said appartment – and thanks to Streetview I did πŸ™‚ There, I finally could take a rest from the trip, take a shower and relax a little. Meanwhile, I also managed to contact Flo and arranged to meet him and Beatriz in the evening. I could take a look at his ridiculously huge appartment before we went downtown to get some tapas – mmmhhh, tapas! πŸ˜€

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After stuffed our stomachs with delicious tapas of all kinds, Beatriz, Flo and me walked through the sometimes shiny, sometimes shabby but nevertheless cool downtown until we arrived at our destination behind the amazing Sagrada familia: The Michael Collins irish pub πŸ™‚ Ela was already waiting for us inside (it took us longer than expected to walk ehehee…). We had a few drinks and lots of fun. The guy playing live music was shitty at first but gradually got better and better so in the end at roughly 2:30, we all lurched home after a very funny night out.

Sagrada familia 1 Sagrada familia 2 Flo and me posing in front of the Sagrada familia
At the irish pub Dr. Flo Evil - but MiniMe has grown ... and has a beard, too! Siblings, indeed!

Oh and by the way: They have Aquarius here! Yaaay!

My mom and typesetting programs

Hey mom, look at this! I’m so totally cool and write my thesis with LaTeX!

Oh! So you’re wearing those strange gloves when you’re typing on your computer?

Love you, mom πŸ˜€

Fichtnparty aftermath and paintball

Yep that’s right. It was about time for a new episode in the long series of birthday parties in the peacful village of Dettendorf. This year’s motto was noblesse oblige and Andrea and me just had to answer that call πŸ˜‰ Big hands to Flo for inviting us and for arranging one hell of a party πŸ™‚

Flo and me showing our awesome hats! Yes, I suited up :)

The next day I’ve basically just been totally lazy. Except for one thing in the evening: After several years, I finally managed to play some rounds of paintball again! Like Barney’d say, it was legendary! πŸ˜€

Snowy Bad Aibling, trashing a car and seeing a happy baby

We had loads of snow lately and within all the traffic mayhem caused by the weather, Patrick and me paid our last respects to my old Fiat Uno. It’s been a valuable companion during the past few years but several defects and the need for a safer and spacier car (Chiara’s here, you know ^^) finally led to the decision that we’ll have to say good-bye to the brave Italian. *sigh* Well, but at least Chiara was happy to see her aunt and her uncle again πŸ˜€