After jailbreaking

After successfully jailbreaking my phone, I’ve been playing around a lot with Cydia, SBSettings and Winterboard, of course. If you have no idea what the hell I’m talking about here: I tweaked my phone to look nicer 🙂 I especially like having 5 rows, 5 columns and 5 dock icons 😀

I guess I’ll have to style the remaining icons to match the theme… 😉


Because my warranty will only last until 11 days from now and because I always wanted to have cheaper SMS with the great biteSMS application (which is up to now only available using Cydia on a jailbroken iPhone), I finally tried to jailbreak my phone… Unfortunately, I already installed the 3.1 OS version because I never cared about jailbreaking etc. which makes things a little complicated.

My first attempt failed and I was afraid I turned my phone into a useless brick at times… But eventually, I managed to revive it and it’s now installing the original un-jailbroken version of the OS. Will keep on tryin’ though 😉

Update: Jeah, it worked 😀 My iPhone finally displays the amount of characters used by my SMS 😉

This is just another test of the trackback feature

So don’t really care about this post 😀 But if you happen to have your own wordpress-based blog, just pingback to this post by putting a link to directly into the content of one of your posts or by explicitly linking to in the “Send Trackbacks” field in the edit form.

Move complete

As I mentioned once and twice, I’ve been moving the pictures from the old blogging systems to this new, unified one. During this process, I realized that finally the pingback and trackback feature seems to work! (Me and this feature have had quite some differences in the past…) Anyways, the move’s complete now and all posts, pictures, videos etc. should be up and running! All kinds of uploads should either be located at or be hosted at Google’s picture service Picasa. If you stumble upon an anomaly, please let me know 🙂

After the tour

Well well well… Since I don’t have access to my iPhoto installation at the moment (but help is on the way…) I was not importing the pictures I took during the past few weeks. Therefore, I also did not publish anything here 🙂

Me, the climbing instrument

Alright, here we go: First of all, I want to complain that all my young cousins always misconceive me for a climbing instrument… But hey, it’s for the family, so I just shut up and stop whining 🙂 Just having arrived back in Munich after my tour, I had a nice chicken-wings-dinner at Marcus’ appartment with Finn, Gunnar and Marcus’ successor, Paula. It’s good to see them once in a while 😀 Hmm, talking about food: My mom presented me the traditional Mohrenkopftorte for my birthday and Selai made a very delicious strawberry cake (but without strawberries 😉 ) for my birthday party at the Sausalitos bar. Hmmmm *yummy* But we also had delicious ribs, tons of cocktails and loads of fun! Thanks everyone for coming!!

Chicken wings at Finn's and Gunnar's Family tradition: My birthday cake made from chocolate-coated marshmallow treats Selai's birthday cake she brought to my party at the Sausalitos
But we also had delicious ribs :) I won the candle-pic-contest!

After all that excitement, I was eager to return to Bad Aibling for a few days of peace 😉 Together with Chrisi and Tia, I spent a fun evening at the annual medieval-festival in Maxlrain (which is always conveniently taking place just a kilometer away from home), watched the fire acrobats and all the other stuff, had tons of good food etc etc. I also found myself in the newspaper! The newspaper’s photographer took a picture at the start of the Bäderlauf and I’m in the very center of the picture 😀

On Tuesday, we also had a chance to meet Flo during his short-trip to Germany when he was organizing a small jam session with family and friends! It was nice to see him again – we only met once in Barcelona 😉 Returning to Munich, Andrea, Chiara and me stopped in Götting where we met Pronita and her mom from India who had just arrived in Germany. Of course, we had lots of food there, too… (damn, I really should pay attention not to get fat!)

Fire performance at the medieval festival in Maxlrain Heey, I'm in the newspaper!! Pronita's mom, Chiara and me

Back in Munich, I spend some days doing sports (finally…), sorting my mail etc. Aaaand I finally managed to go to the Wiesn! It was planned to be a gathering of colleagues from my studies but in the end, I was the only one there… Grmbl! Anyways, as I dragged some friends along, it was a nice afternoon / evening – and we were very lucky to find a good spot to sit and eat at in the Hofbäuzelt.

Finn looks sooo cute, doesn't he? Wiesnbrezn and a Hendl
Crowded subway station The security's vests

Our new secretary of state?

I mean… Generally speaking, it’s okay to demand German questions on a German press-conference. But this arrogant attitude somehow doesn’t feel right for our wannabe secretary of state. It’s not WHAT he said, it’s HOW he said it that irritates me… *sigh*

Moved posts from both older blogs to this one

Hey hey! After having backed up all information from the old blogs, I imported all posts from both now. I did not yet finish the moving of all pictures to one unified location, however, but you can now access all my blog entries (even the German ones from the very first blog I had in my life) through this site.

Moving the blog – once more

It’s going to take a while until this system’s up and running the way I want it to, but I’ll keep you updated, of course 🙂

Half-Marathon: Bäderlauf

Today, my mom and me participated in a half-marathon from Bad Aibling to Bad Feilnbach. I’m not fully pleased with my time of 2:19:49 (and with the fact that my mom was 8 minutes faster 😀 ) but I’m really happy that I did it 🙂

The track lead us through the mindboggingly beutiful landscape and the weather was really nice – maybe a little bit too warm at the beginning. It’s also featured in GoogleMaps. If I’m still in Germany next year, I’ll participate again, promise 😀

Happy Birthday Baby!

Exactly one year ago, my niece Chiara was born. And as proud uncle I want to be the first to say “happy birthday” 😀