After having come back to Germany (and having dealt with the enormous jet-lag bwahahaa), I had to experience how awesome the Munich airport is and how not-at-all awesome its connection to the city is! From the moment the plane touched the runway in Munich until the moment I stepped out of the security area (including baggage retrieval by the way) it took less than 20 minutes! But to travel from the airport to Heufeld (distance: approx. 80 km) where I was picked up by my mom, it took more than 2 hours…
Anyways, my mom and me went hiking today! And it was legen… (wait for it) …dary! We ran up to the peak of the Breitenstein and ate 850 meters of height in just 90 minutes – lovely! Sunny weather, maybe the very last warm day this year. Having returned home, my first action was to start the sauna 😉 But even if this day has been so beautiful (or maybe because of that!?), I can’t wait for spring to come.