Category Archives: Random - Page 3

Kaito restaurant

My birthday present from Claudia and her parents was a dinner at a fancy Japanese restaurant :mrgreen: so I decided to take her out to the very good (and also very expensive) Kaito restaurant last Thursday. The food was mindboggingly delicious and the check was mindboggingly high… But I’ve been told not to worry about that 🙂


Thanks for a nice evening and for a superb dinner!

Worldwide crisis


All I get for my job applications are rejections 😥

Let it snow

Yesterday night, it started snowing in Munich! Guess it’s that time of the year already… Alright, bring on the pre-christmas-feelings! 8)

Being sick

Being sick really annoys me. I caught a mean cold two days ago and have to stay at home in bed. Aside from writing applications, I’ve got plenty of time to kill so I dug out this youtube-jewel:

Well, I just love Japan 🙂

Our new secretary of state?

I mean… Generally speaking, it’s okay to demand German questions on a German press-conference. But this arrogant attitude somehow doesn’t feel right for our wannabe secretary of state. It’s not WHAT he said, it’s HOW he said it that irritates me… *sigh*

WLAN at my favourite pub/restaurant

I love the fact that my home’s WiFi Connection broadcasts into my favourite pub/restaurant! This way, I can sit there and enjoy the great food while working on my thesis 😀


I love it and I hate it…

Suit up! – Picture

I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am ;)

’nuff said 😀

Suit up!

I just came home from the city where I spent a fortune on a new kickass suit! Yep, that’s right. Me and a suit… Okay okay, it’s not a fortune for most people 😉 But for a chronically broke student it is… As soon as I got it (they’re fitting it right now), there are going to be pictures here, promise 😎


This is hilarious and so true…