Just came home from the Zebrahead concert here in Munich and it was totally rad Wanted to let you folks know that I’m still alive and kicking. I promise to get better about having my blog more up-to-date! Will upload the pictures from Shiho’s and Freddy’s visit soon, promised! But for know I gotta get some sleep for I gotta get up in roughly six hours… 😀
PS: Have I mentioned that my job rocks? Well, it does! 😎
And once again I just have to point out that time flies when you’re really busy! In my case, it seems to be flying a secret military super-jet The past week’s been filled with work, work-related travel, more work, reading technical literature (for work), eating, sleeping and … well, that’s about it. My back is back to normal, at last! It still tends to hurt a little sometimes but it seems to be alright altogether.
Alright! And because I’ve been too lazy to upload pics for a while, here are some 😀
Alright, it’s been a funny time lately 🙂 Came back from London eleven days ago. Finally got to see my family again. Installed the new graphics adapter into my Windows PC (lovely, now it’s even more silent than before). Spent some days relaxing and literally doing nothing. Ate good food. Did a little bit of tidying up my room and my life. Did not do any sports 🙁 Found out that a huge bouldering gym will open this summer in Munich Prepared for the next big step in my life: My very first “official” job as graduate engineer, the starting point of my carreer! First day’s on Monday, so keep your fingers crossed!
I’m really looking forward to this one – the job interview was really cool and the people and the whole atmosphere left me with a very good first impression. Can’t wait to find out what kind of projects I’ll be working on soon! Hope I’m really fit and good enough for the job…
Hello, world! I’ve been quite busy working here in England at a 14/6 pace and just didn’t find the time for blogging… Ok, that sounds worse than it actually is:
I’m coding together with my cousin Booka which is always fun
The project is really interesting and challenging
I finally get to use Java and not just study it in theory
We go climbing every now and then
We live in this fancy palace-like house
Everything’s taken care of: cooking, laundry, shopping, etc.
To be honest, it’s really cool here. I like working together with Bookie in this environment where everything’s tuned for maximum efficiency and creativity at the same time. The only problem is: We have three four-hour slots of work per day which drives your feeling of time totally bananas. At the end of one day, events from the very same day’s morning feel like as if they’ve happened two or three days in the past because one’s usually not adjusted to three half work days per day 🙂
But because it’s the Booka and he’s the biggest climbing-nerd I know, we often go bouldering or climbing and it’s awesome! Finally, I get to train that crap properly 😀 My very personal problem is: I’m too heavy for my forearms! Damn, gotta slim…
Alright, gotta start working. Here are two random pics:
After having come back to Germany (and having dealt with the enormous jet-lag bwahahaa), I had to experience how awesome the Munich airport is and how not-at-all awesome its connection to the city is! From the moment the plane touched the runway in Munich until the moment I stepped out of the security area (including baggage retrieval by the way) it took less than 20 minutes! But to travel from the airport to Heufeld (distance: approx. 80 km) where I was picked up by my mom, it took more than 2 hours…
Anyways, my mom and me went hiking today! And it was legen… (wait for it) …dary! We ran up to the peak of the Breitenstein and ate 850 meters of height in just 90 minutes – lovely! Sunny weather, maybe the very last warm day this year. Having returned home, my first action was to start the sauna 😉 But even if this day has been so beautiful (or maybe because of that!?), I can’t wait for spring to come.
Hey! I’ve been here for a few days already and still no post? Sorry ’bout that, but I’ve just been busy coding with Booka! 😉 And even though this post and the one mentioning my flight here are called something with “London” I am not in London, actually… The house we’re living in is in a relatively small village near Sutton and it’s a blast! Huge rooms, too many bathrooms, extremely quiet etc. so we really can focus on the programming we’re supposed to do here.
Today finally, we had some free time and Booka, Wolle and me could stroll around in London, take some pictures and have a good time, of course We rode the train to Victoria station (yeah, that’s the one that’s to be seen in almost every Harry Potter movie as “King’s Cross” because Mrs. Rowling mistook it for the latter, by the way) and took a walk from there. We passed by Buckingham Palace where by coincidence some ceremony was going on and we were forced to wait until it’s over 😉 After that, we crossed Green Park and finally arrived at Picadilly Circus. Haaah, finally. I’ve been here before and even though it’s like one of the no. 1 tourist-spots in the city, it’s actually quite lame and cool at the same time 😀 It feels like a tiny version of the Shibuya crossing, doesn’t it? Anyways, we had lunch and continued our trip in the direction to Trafalgar square and Chinatown and finally headed down to the Thames where we “met” Downing Street, Big Ben and The Eye.
After that we entered The Tube at Waterloo station and went to Tottenham Court Road where we took a long walk down Oxford Street, had some Starbuck’s coffee (which sucked, by the way) and went back to Leicester Square to have dinner. Eventually, Miri joined us and after having drinks at a nice bar, we finally cruised back home. And London traffic is hell – seriously. 9:30 p.m. and all roads are still packed with cars? Seriously folks, where do you all wanna go? Why don’t you ride your beloved Tube?
Update: I just had to step up to that DDR machine… Just like the good ol’ times with my English class from school when we were in London back then! 😀
I’m boarding the flight to London right NOW. Will meet Booka at Heathrow airport and am looking forward to the code-sesssions 🙂 If the job’s cool, I might end up working and living there December through January
Whew! Only one week until I’ll go to the airport and fly to London to join Booka for a testing week at his artificial intelligence project in London. I promised myself to start packing early enough but I just know it’s not going to happen until Sunday night or (way more likely) Monday morning 😉
I’ve also attended the HoKo at my old university last week and now have plenty of contacts to dig through in order to find possible employers. I just hope I made a good impression at the fair and that there are going to be some opportunities for cool jobs in Munich. And again: Keep your fingers crossed