Category Archives: Mac

I might be a little geeky, actually…

My workplace looks like this at the moment:

I have a desktop PC running Ubuntu Linux. On that machine, I have a Windows XP virtual machine (to be seen on the 30-inch monitor) and on the very right, there’s my Mac. Hmm. I’m seriously working with 3 OSes at the same time 😯

To point out my fanboy-status

Spaces (or simply multiple desktops for the non-Mac users here…)

I love ’em! A bit scary, though…


Isogashii / Busy

Well, well… It’s been quite a long time since my last entry here. Sorry ’bout that. I’ve just been so freakin’ busy ever since my return from Japan. Final exams for this semester are closing in and I should have been studying instead of going to Tokyo but in my opinion, Tokyo was the way smarter choice πŸ˜‰

First of all, I want to present some pictures of my second trip to Japan, however, I did not take so many due to my own stupidity… As you might have read, I’ve lost my small pocket camera, so I packed the bigger one into my luggage. Alright. Got everything with me: the cam, lens protector, SDHC card, batteryd’oh! forgot the battery! So the only option for me to get at least a few pix was to buy a new battery at my favourite electronics store, Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku…

Tokyo winter 2008/09

I was given the chance to enjoy the nice Tokyo winter, the great food and a lot of fun with many friends.Β It was a great week and I want to thank everyone who could find some time to see me! Hope to see you again soon πŸ˜‰ Oh and Ayumi, he LOVES the shoes πŸ˜€

So what did I do after coming back? Hmm not so many things, actually. Since my final exams for this semester are starting in one week already, I’m basically doing nothing but studying at the moment. Well, at least two pleasant things happened to me: My mom found my beloved Pentax camera and I finally got my new computer *yaaay* but I don’t really have the time to play with my new / old toys at the moment so this will have to wait until February πŸ˜‰

MacBook Dead? Nope, not anymore!

Yaaaay! With the great support from my local Gravis store I figured out that it was just the hard disk that failed and not the whole system. They did some trixx to reset the EFI (this is what a BIOS is called nowadays, nerd!) and finally, I was able to boot from the install DVD again. For just 70,- Euros I bought a new hard disk (which has, by the way, more than double the capacity of my old one) and went home cheerfully.

First, I prepared everything: MacBook, screwdrivers, Leopard installation DVD, the new hard disk:

Turned around the MacBook:

Removed the battery:

Unscrewed and removed the battery and RAM door:

Pulled out the old hard disk:

Exchanged it with the new one:

Pushed it back into the system (Damn I love S-ATA connectors! Don’t want to remember how tricky it used to be exchanging the hard disk in the old PowerBook G3 that utilized IDE disks…):

We need more POWER:

Starting up:

Using the insanely easy-to-use and smart Time Machine restoration tool:

… awesome. I just spent 70 Euros, did around 8 clicks or so and my whole system re-installed itself in less than 2.5 hours – without me doing anything else but watching the progress bar grow and playing some CounterStrike 1.6 meanwhile (hehe, there they are, the good old times). Do I need to mention that all my files, all my settings, EVERYTHING is just like it used to be before my old disk drive died? No time-consuming new installation, finding drivers, downloading and installing, every single program I need, configuring Windows or any other task I used to hate so much when I was a Windows-Warrior in the good old times I alluded before? Don’t think I need to mention it now because I already did πŸ˜‰

This is SO cool. Now I can continue working on my thesis again! πŸ˜€ Ah, and the new hard disk is so silent I even kind of miss the sound! Now I never know if my system’s busy or not πŸ˜‰

Anyways, there’s one thing that’s been bugging me beside the assumed death of my computer: I think I’ve lost my Pentax camera! DAMN! That’s the reason why I shot those pictures with the crappy iPhone built-in camera, by the way. Or does anyone seem to have found it by coincidence?

New Apple model: MacBook Dead

Damn. Just as I was starting to write my thesis, my MacBook broke. DAMN! It seems to be a major hardware issue because I can’t even boot it from the DVD anymore. Of course, it’s way out of warranty so I might have no other choice but buying a new one… If they just weren’t SO expensive! πŸ™

Well… Maybe if the repair does not make sense, I’ll exchange my MacBook dead for a new MacBook Pro. We’ll see. πŸ™‚

Just a small test…

This is just a little test of the WordPress application for the iPhone. It works! πŸ˜€