Category Archives: defauBlog 2 - Page 3

Just a small test…

This is just a little test of the WordPress application for the iPhone. It works! 😀

Pingbacks and other difficulties in my life

Hey hey, here I am again. Uncle Roland 🙂

Unfortunately, my WordPress installation seems to be bugging around a bit. Pingbacks and Trackbacks still don’t work so I’ve been playing around with my permalink structure and stuff like that for a while. It still does not seem to work so I’ve given up now…

But there have been several changes I would like to let my readers to know about: URL of this blog is without the /blog2 appendix anymore. The old (German) blog can still be found under but as I mentioned, I will not continue writing in this one. I also changed the permalink structure a little bit so it does only contain the year and the month but not the day anymore. Please update your bookmarks if neccesary. 😉

And also the URL of my RSS feeds has changed! Entries can be found under and comments have their own RSS feed under If you have no idea of what I’m talking about here, feel free to ask me any time 😉

PS: Since the stupid trackback feature also does not seem to work at nordblog.core, I try to kick it right here.

Wrapping it up

Phew. Finally, the time has come for my very last post from Japanese soil…

To make things more interesting, I changed some small bits. Applied a new theme and removed the weather plugin (my intention was to piss off everyone in Germany with the extremely warm and sunny weather we had here all the time – until I installed this damned plugin). Hope you like the new Theme!

Anyways, because I’m packing my stuff – and this also includes my computer – I want to say THANK YOU to Japan. To the people here for their kindness. Actually, I’m amazed more and more every day that in this true metropolis, which is the most crowded place on our whole planet, still most of the people are friendly, kind, helpful and smiling. And it’s mostly not the kind of fake smile that you can easily get in the USA! I wish I could fit into words how I feel right now but I think that’s impossible. This country, this city, my great roommates, everyone here – I will never forget that and feel extremely grateful for being given the chance to experience all the stuff you could read about in my blog – and all the other stuff I did not dare to post. 🙂

Mina-san, hontouni doumo arigatou gozaimashita.
Ima kaerimasu, dakedo zenzen kaeritakunai.

Tabun mata rainen, ne?

Oneesan: Barcelona!

Please also take a look at my other sister’s new blog, woh just moved to Barcelona together with the human jukebox Stigi permanently. Unfortunately, the Spanish Internet providers are not very … well, let’s just put it like that: Sometimes Ela and Flo have Internet access… So therefore, the blog is yet empty but as soon as the connection issue has been solved, they will upload a lot of stuff and pictures about their life in Spain! (and again, this will be in German 😉 )

Onkel: Take a look!

As I mentioned in my German blog, I’m going to be uncle this fall! I can’t – not even to the slightest bit – express with words how happy and excited I am about this. 😀 My sister will be giving birth to my very first niece in the next few days and I want to use this opportunity to trackback to the new blog of Andrea and Patrick, the proud almost-parents. This blog is written in German, so hontouni doumo sumimasen to all my non-German readers (who are Japanese most likely 🙂 )

A so-called first post

Hey everyone,

For those of you who just came to this page for the very first time: Welcome to my blog! Everyone else might notice that there have been several changes:

  • Changed to the full English version of WordPress
  • Completely plain installation right now, no additional plugins, themes or other gimmicks (more to come, don’t worry)
  • Content will be held in English (and maybe Japanese in the future)

The old blog can still be found here but I will most likely discontinue maintenance on it. Its purpose was mainly to provide information for my family and friends back in Germany during my stay in Japan. My time in Japan is now almost over for my flight back will be on September 5th and I’ve already quit working at Siemens. For the remaining time, I want to get a last grasp of the life here in Japan and especially Tokyo. And by the way: I really will miss Tully’s coffee:

At this point, I also want to thank all my readers and RSS-subscribers for their continued interest in my adventures here in Japan 🙂