This is it. The world-famous M.O.G.U.E.R.A. robot I spent most my time on during the past few weeks. The text at the end basically translates as “Even if we don’t win we still look cool!”
Category Archives: Code - Page 3
Sleep, actually
Phew… It’s been a crazy time since my last post! To start with, sorry for being muted for so long – I just could not find the time and energy to write a few lines. Yeah I know it sounds like a lame excuse but still I hope someone’s going to buy the story 😉
Ok, where shall I begin? Right, the EuroBot contest I went to! Well, let’s just say we’ve not been over-blessed with success… To be honest, we only managed to get through the “homologation” rounds and in the qulifications we only scored the last place 🙁 That was a little frustrating because theoretically, our robot was one of the most promising ones in Dresden – theoretically, I say! In fact, we had several sensor- and motor’s precision-related issues and had to fall back to a somewhat “dumb” strategy without all the cool A.I. and pathfinding features my colleagues and me implemented from scratch in just a matter of weeks *sigh* But “participating is everything”, right? We had an awesome time in Dresden nevertheless and even thoguh we lost we totally dived into the city’s nightlife (which is quite cool in Dresden, by the way) 😀
Think you can imagine that I SO had to catch up with lots of hours of sleeping after that weekend and the weeks preceeding it 😉 This has basically been one of the primary things I’ve been doing this week: SLEEPING, SCHLAFEN, 寝る… Oh no, I also had tons of good food, enjoyed the terrific weather we’re having in Munich lately, finally met friends and had time to relax – at last!
Now I realize there’ll be other tasks eating up my free time soon: Finding a job in Tokyo, completing the software I’ll write my thesis on, writing this just-mentioned thesis… Oh, and there will be my (hopefully) final exam season soon! So you can see, no time-out for poor Roland 😉 And again, keep your fingers crossed 😀
Pix will be coming soon, promise! 😉
EuroBot 2009 – German finals
Phew, it’s been quite an extraordinary and exhausting time. Like mentioned before, I haven’t been sleeping, eating or doing anything else than working on that mean little robot. Finally, the time has come: In about one hour the whole team will be taking the bus to Dresden city where the German qualification and finals of the EuroBot contest 2009 will take place on Saturday. There’s going to be a livestream on Saturday, too – so check out rtsp:// (it’s a Real Player stream, so you need to get and install it first and open that URL in the Real Player).
Please keep your fingers crossed! 😀
And I thought the era of sleepless nights would come to an end!?
Jeah, right… Japanese course’s over but there’s still not more sleep in for me. Why, do you ask? Well, I might have mentioned that I was so looking forward to a very relaxed last semester with only a few exams, lots of contemplating about my thesis outside in the sunshine etc. So much for that! Ever since I got out of the language course I’ve been spending almost 100% of my time in the robotics lab…
Yep, the tries-to-get-into-the-robotics-world-championships-robot project. It’s great fun, it’s kinda cool, it’s really interesting and challenging but due to the closing in deadline it’s eating up hundreds of hours of developing, coding, testing, debugging etc. Is there someone out there who can teach me how to give that little bastard a bit of intelligence so it does the work on it’s own so I finally get to do some things I haven’t done in a while (e.g. sleeping, eating, doing sports etc.)? 😀
Japanese intensive course – or yet another era of sleepless nights
Booya! Having started from March 23rd, I’m currently attending a very good (and intensive) Japanese language course which takes place 9 hours a day, 6 days a week until this Saturday. Adding to that, I’ve also started implementing parts of the A.I. of a robot that’s supposed to go to the EuroBot 2009! As cool as all that stuff is, my daily sleep quota dropped to a new record-low around 3.5 hours a day… When I’m not in the classroom,in the robo-lab, in the gym or out running, I’m sitting at my desk spending hours and hours studying, repeating, preparing. *sigh* Well, at least the language course totally rocks 😀
But I’ll be celebrating and sleeping (finally) when it’s over 😉
Still alive…
What else? Hmm, as I already mentioned, I’m trying to work my way through the programming I’ve got to do before being able to write my thesis on that software. Even though it’s frustrating from time to time because Ruby on Rails is always-evolving and many features needed for your application which you spent hours or even days on implementing tend to pop up as a new feature in the next Rails release, it’s also fun and interesting to play with that new feel programming. Completely different approaches, more focus on the actual application and not on the tools and frameworks you need for it etc. *sigh* Wish I would’ve started with that a lot earlier 😉
Wow, it’s been quite some time since my last post – sorry about that againz… Well, what did I do? Hmm not too much, actually, but I’ve been hella busy as usual 😉 First of all, Andi and me use the free time we’ve got to the max for exercising, running, spinning etc. but my stupid belly still looks like as if I was drawn by the “Gelini” guy. Secondly, there has been a lot of programming going here because I need to get some things straight for my thesis, eventually. And the deeper I dig into Ruby on Rails, the more I love it. Seriously, this might become the no. 1 language for designing websites in the next few years!
Today, I finally managed to test out the Nomiya, a kind of typical bavarian pub which features Japanese cooking done by actual Japanese chefs 🙂 It was soooo cool sitting there, having some very, very delicious Yakitori, Edamame, Sushi, etc. in that Bavarian-looking Boaz’n (which basically means pub)! I highly recommend that one! 😀 Ah by the way, Japanese restaurant-tips in Munich are always very welcome 🙂
Flu, grades, cold, back on the track (rails) etc.
Well, well… So much has been going on and I don’t really know where to start. Hmm… Might be because I’ve not been writing so much lately 😉
First of all, I got my grades. Okay, I was complaining and whyning a lot and to be honest, I was seriously not expecting too much. I don’t know how but I passed all exams and the grades are quite okay, actually! Yaay! 😀 So now, I can fully conentrate on the upcoming last semester with its four exams and, of course, my thesis. Wish me luck with all that!
But just as the last test was done and my stress-level fell I caught a mean flu which took me down for roughly a week already. I’ve still not fully recovered yet but it looks like it’s going to be over in one or two days. This is like so typical by the way: Just when the time’s here for me to relax, enjoy parties with friends, go to the gym on a more regular basis again etc. I get sick! D’oh!
Alright, what’s next? I’ve been using the time I had to stay at home and in bed to increase my Ruby on Rails knowledge. So it might have had a positive side, too. 😉 This is the language / the framework I’ll build my thesis on and I should finally start again to work on that for I’ve not been doing anything there since January…
Oh and my dear sister will be coming home from Barcelona for a couple of days this week! She’ll have her viva voce – wow! Then we’re going to have another Dr. in the family 🙂
Das Wetter spielt verrückt
Hi allerseits, nein nein… Das Wetter hier spielt nicht verrückt, sondern das myWeather Plugin. Habe es kurzerhand raus genommen und werde es mir die Tage mal zur Brust nehmen (wenn ich mal irgendwann wieder nach Hause komme…)
Außen nix Neues, innen technisch aufgebohrt
Nur als Randnotiz für die WordPress-Nutzer unter Euch:
- Credits-Seite aufpoliert (inklusive verwendeter Plugins)
- Das sehr umfangreiche und mächtige phpmv2 Statistiktool installiert
- Plugins etwas ausgemistet
- Kleinere Wartungsarbeiten durchgeführt