
Wow, it’s been quite some time since my last post – sorry about that againz… Well, what did I do? Hmm not too much, actually, but I’ve been hella busy as usual 😉 First of all, Andi and me use the free time we’ve got to the max for exercising, running, spinning etc. but my stupid belly still looks like as if I was drawn by the “Gelini” guy. Secondly, there has been a lot of programming going here because I need to get some things straight for my thesis, eventually. And the deeper I dig into Ruby on Rails, the more I love it. Seriously, this might become the no. 1 language for designing websites in the next few years!

Today, I finally managed to test out the Nomiya, a kind of typical bavarian pub which features Japanese cooking done by actual Japanese chefs 🙂 It was soooo cool sitting there, having some very, very delicious Yakitori, Edamame, Sushi, etc. in that Bavarian-looking Boaz’n (which basically means pub)! I highly recommend that one! 😀 Ah by the way, Japanese restaurant-tips in Munich are always very welcome 🙂

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