Monthly Archives: October 2010

Google Docs, Bob Ross and sunshine

Yay, it’s a long weekend due to a holiday on Monday and the sun is shining! And I finally found the time to sort out the appartment’s budget with my flatmate. And I saw “Bob Ross and the joy of painting”. This is a very, very good day!


One of the greatest minds of our time died this week – but his work (especially the famous Mandelbrot set) will live on. This great zoom video shows how beautiful and amazing (and mind-twisting, too) maths can be.

Kudos to Christian for showing me this video 🙂

Oh what a night!

roughly 7 p.m. Returning to my hotel after the first day at the WebTech. Trying to get some sleep, but it just won’t work. I’ll never be able to fall asleep before midnight, I guess…

11:30 p.m. Getting up again, taking a shower, preparing myself for the night.

00:30 a.m. Taxi ride from Mainz to Darmstadt, where the headquarters of the “Deutsche Telekom” are. The taxi driver is a little weird and stinky, but friendly in general.

01:00 – 06:00 a.m. Assisting with the launch of the software platform my company has been working on for the past few months.

06:00 – 06:30 a.m. Taxi ride back to Mainz – Friendly, but weird and stinky driver…

07:00 a.m. Taking a shower and trying to fall asleep as fast as possible.

08:00 a.m. Getting up again after not having slept at all.

08:27 a.m. Rushing down to grab something to eat before the bus back to the conference comes.

08:38 a.m. Leaving the breakfast lounge / Running to the bus station.

09.00 a.m. Already at the first talk of the day 🙂

WebTech 2010

I’m attending the WebTech 2010 in Mainz – it’s a hybrid conference together with the international PHP conference taking place in the nice Rheingoldhalle right next to the Rhein river. Oh my… So many geeks in one place! And almost no women here! (and those few that are here… well, you know…)

Anyways, I’m looking forward to another two and a half days of interesting talks and new insights to technology and the software industry in general.

PS: I did not forget about the pics of my appartment, it’s just that I couldn’t find the time by now… (and, to be honest, not so much progress has been made since my last post on that topic…)

Nice quote

Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

– from “Code for the Maintainer”