I just stumbled upon, a cool site that has the goal of transporting the great episodes into plain text so it’s easier to run a full-text search on them. Another benefit is that it can provide translations to other languages, too! I contacted the webmaster a few days ago and will continue translating episodes into german and also set up a repository for coordinating the translation work at github. So if you’re into Ruby on Rails and you’d like to contribute to the community by simply translating a few episodes here and there, feel free to contact me on github or contact the webmaster of!

These kinds of community-created additions to the rare high-quality tutorials or screencasts in the Ruby on Rails universe are vital! Rails 3 is going to be released somewhere in the near future and with it come lots of changes that many people might not know about.

Ooops, it’s 8 a.m. already… I’d better get up and hurry to my proper job and stop doing so much open-source crap :mrgreen:

  1. Edel sei der Mensch, hilfreich und gut. (na, von wem ist das Zitat?) Ich hätte ja schwören können, dass es “to stumble over” heißt, aber laut Leo heißt es tatsächlich stumble upon…

  2. Guter Mann. Gut zu wissen, dann kannst du mir ja bald erzählen, was sich seit Rails 2 wieder alles geändert hat …

  3. @Tina: Aetsch! Hab ich doch tatsaechlich mal was in Englisch gewusst 😛 😛 😛 😛 … 😉
    @m@ark: Naja, schau’mer mal. Noch blick ich bei RoR3 auch noch nich so wirklich durch, aber ich arbeite dran!

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