Hello, world! I’ve been quite busy working here in England at a 14/6 pace and just didn’t find the time for blogging… Ok, that sounds worse than it actually is:
- I’m coding together with my cousin Booka which is always fun
- The project is really interesting and challenging
- I finally get to use Java and not just study it in theory
- We go climbing every now and then
- We live in this fancy palace-like house
- Everything’s taken care of: cooking, laundry, shopping, etc.
To be honest, it’s really cool here. I like working together with Bookie in this environment where everything’s tuned for maximum efficiency and creativity at the same time. The only problem is: We have three four-hour slots of work per day which drives your feeling of time totally bananas. At the end of one day, events from the very same day’s morning feel like as if they’ve happened two or three days in the past because one’s usually not adjusted to three half work days per day 🙂
But because it’s the Booka and he’s the biggest climbing-nerd I know, we often go bouldering or climbing and it’s awesome! Finally, I get to train that crap properly 😀 My very personal problem is: I’m too heavy for my forearms! Damn, gotta slim…
Alright, gotta start working. Here are two random pics:
What’s the name of that whole baby moose you ate there?
wow, awesome room! great view and a lot of space. i’m just a little jealous 😀
Ist das eine Szene aus dem Film “Das grosse Fressen” ?
Gut beschrieben, was ihr da so treibt… Und Januar biste auch noch da?
Japp, 5.1. bis 31.1. – Kommst auch mal vorbei? 🙂
wär ja ne idee … wenn man mich einlädt …