Move complete

As I mentioned once and twice, I’ve been moving the pictures from the old blogging systems to this new, unified one. During this process, I realized that finally the pingback and trackback feature seems to work! (Me and this feature have had quite some differences in the past…) Anyways, the move’s complete now and all posts, pictures, videos etc. should be up and running! All kinds of uploads should either be located at or be hosted at Google’s picture service Picasa. If you stumble upon an anomaly, please let me know 🙂

  1. Sehr ordentlich!

    Schleichwerbung: gedeiht ebenfalls! Werde dort in Kürze meinen neuen Blog eröffnen.

    Und Bumba & Tina nahe legen, ihre dorthin umzuziehen. Gelegenheit, mir auch mal die Export/Import-Funktionalität anzuschauen …

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