Monthly Archives: December 2008

Happy new year!!!

Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! Kotoshimo yoroshiku ne!!!! (Okay and now for those of you who don’t speak Japanese: A happy new year – and I don’t know how to translate the second one 😉 )

And if you’re wondering why I’m “too early”: It’s already past midnight in Japan 😀

Big in Japan 2.0

Jeah I’m back to Tokyo! I’m in town until Jan 4th and will try to see as many of my friends as possible. Will keep you posted as soon as I get my local cell no. 😉

Merry Christmas!

クリスマスおめでとうございます! Hope you all can enjoy a happy and peacful time 🙂

Neues MacBook Pro

Yeehaaw, soeben habe ich mein neues MacBook Pro bestellt! (aua, mein armes Konto…) Dann hab ich endlich 15,4″ Bildschirmdiagonale und kriege mehr Code auf einen Schirm 8)

Hachja… *schmacht*

Broccoli Ocarina

Einfach nur geil (jaaaa, is alt, I know, aber guuut)

MUC – HAM – MUC Grindel season ending session + chill boot camp

Monday morning, err, around noon: I’m riding the hilarious S8 of Munich’s public transportation system. After having spent a great weekend in Hamburg visiting family and friends, partyin’ and chillin’ since Friday, I feel a little tired but also happy big time! 😀

Now I’m ready 4 X-mas & after that TOKYO!! Wish you all a merry Christmas and especially a great start in 2009 (although I’ll be celebrating a few hours earlier than most of my readers, I assume ^^).

Mac OS Leopard + VMWare Fusion + Kubuntu 8.04 + Kdevelop

Phew, not too easy to get this configuration running but in the end I managed (with a little help from my friends) to get it done. For several quite pointless study tasks belonging to our “Operating systems” class, I had to get a pure Linux (most likely Debian) system running on which I’m supposed to work in the crappy KDevelop IDE. I’ll not dive into complaining about that should-be-generic-and-platform-independent course which is in fact nothing more but YALAPC (yet another Linux and programming C++) class… Duh! It’s not like we all heard that stuff already before. At least three times. Well, at least three times more than we heard that Barack Obama was elected president and that carbon dioxide might not be too good for our globe’s health…

Well, whatever. It’s doing what it’s supposed to do and I might have a chance of succeeding in this course 😉 Just in case people ask what I’m dealing with all the time 😀

Hallo Welt!

Herzlich willkommen auf meinem inzwischen dritten Blog. Aus purem Zeitmangel pflege ich meine ursprünglichen Blogs in technsicher Hinsicht eher mäßig, daher bin ich ziemlich begeistert von der Möglichkeit, weiter zu bloggen und mich nicht um irgendwelche Updates kümmern zu müssen 😉

WordPress 2.7

Wow finally, I found the time to update to WordPress version 2.7 – Just for those of you who might be interested in 😉 It’s quite neat! 😀