Back in Good ol’ Germany

Well, the title says it all. I’m back. My over six months stay in Japan finally has ended and I’m actually writing this post from my parent’s place. So weird: I woke up in Tokyo, had a nice Starbuck’s breakfast and a nice train ride to the Narita airport and now? Now I’m here already and will sleep in my old kodomobeya tonight…

And here’s to all the people I know in Japan again: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can’t even say how grateful I am for the past six months. Please don’t forget me for I’ll never forget this wonderful time! Anybody, please keep in touch!

My arrival back in Germany at my parent's place

  1. Welcome back!!

  2. Hey, jaaaaa:

    1) schön dass du gesund & munter wieder da bist
    2) juhuuu, er codet wieder!
    3) work in progress with his own playground – i like !
    4) hat er den hummelbuttmann playground gepimped – bitte weiter so, mein lieber Co-Admin! hab dir da nen comment gesetzt …
    5) Webmasters united 😎

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