Well, the title says it all. I’m back. My over six months stay in Japan finally has ended and I’m actually writing this post from my parent’s place. So weird: I woke up in Tokyo, had a nice Starbuck’s breakfast and a nice train ride to the Narita airport and now? Now I’m here already and will sleep in my old kodomobeya tonight…
And here’s to all the people I know in Japan again: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can’t even say how grateful I am for the past six months. Please don’t forget me for I’ll never forget this wonderful time! Anybody, please keep in touch!
Welcome back!!
Hey, jaaaaa:
1) schön dass du gesund & munter wieder da bist
2) juhuuu, er codet wieder!
3) work in progress with his own playground – i like !
4) hat er den hummelbuttmann playground gepimped – bitte weiter so, mein lieber Co-Admin! hab dir da nen comment gesetzt …
5) Webmasters united 😎